Most of the filming for the dinosaur film is completed, I have also done some colour correction on the footages and some visual effects. I have also completed a title sequence (screenshot below)
Blaize Media's Popular Posts
I've started to write 2 new scripts, one about zombies but the film's is going to be based on the burka conflict in Australia. Also ...
Not happy with the finished product
Most of the filming for the dinosaur film is completed, I have also done some colour correction on the footages and some visual effects. I h...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Flash South Africa Game Complete
My game is now completed after I have spent a lot of time on touch ups and the game sound/music. It has now been entered into the ATOM awards.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Dinosaur Film Update #2
After some bad shoot, I've decided to change my film to a dinosaur Mockumetry. I have wrote up a new script and it looks great. It still has the same good effects, but I'm using older and better actors. I have also created a actor/prop/location/equipment plan (which I have attached). Because I am so organised this time around (thanks to MrHall) I have already filmed one scene and I am lined up to shoot two scenes tomorrow.
Scenes Location Actors Props Dates of Filiming Equipment Needed
One CSC - Court Yard Jake None Sunday - 11:00 "Camera, Mic, Steady Cam, Tripod"
Two CSC - Court Yard Jake None Sunday - 11:00 "Camera, Mic, Steady Cam, Tripod"
Three CSC - Media Room Miss "Steel Sheet, Make-Up, Television" "Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Four Digital None None None None
Five CSC - Science Room Mr Dortenzio White Coat Thursday - 3:30 "Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Six CSC - Audotorium "Enzo, Mr Hall" Machette Sunday - 12:00 "Green Screen, Spin Chair, Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Seven Digital None None None None
Cant upload PDF or excel documents, sorry.
Media Game Update
I'm doing some finial touches for my media flash game. It's coming together and it looks pretty good. Coding took a long time, but I've finally solved the hitTestWall problems and got the trucks to be more random. I also tweak the player and health bar speed. Should be 100% completed in a week.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Problems with the coding of my Game
1. Hit Test on Wall (Path/Playing Area)
What I've tried to do to fix it:
- Make Lines thicker
- Use trace statements in the hitTests
- Change the lines around the path to Shapes (rectangle tool) Line of Code:
Boy Hit Tests and what to do when it is true = 1033 - 1062
2. Random Trucks reversing Back and Forth and random Times
Three trucks move forward at TRUCK_SPEED and when they hitTest the invisible block 1,2 or 3 and the random number is 1,2 or 3 (out of ten), The Trucks move backwards.
(I still have to add a wall for them to come back onto the stage again). The trucks seem to move back only when the random number is hit. My variables are going back to false by themselves.
What I've tried to do to fix it:
- Trace Statements
- Extra Booleans
- Lowering the random number (Trucks only jump back when their number comes up)
Line of Code:
Truck Hit Tests = 137 - 157
What truck does when Hit Tests Happen = 159 - 266
3. Boy sticks to the trucks, he should just hit the side and stop.
What I've tried to fix it:
- Add extra Booleans
Line of Code:
Hit Test & What to do when Hit Test are True = 684 - 755
4. TIMER - Not a problem, I just do not have the code for it.
I what the power bar (top right corner to drain when the timer runs down. I also want there to be a numeric timer next to the power bar. GameOver_txt ("you win") when Timer has drained.
5. Boy gets smaller when he goes higher on the screen, because he is moving further away.
When I tried to do this, the boy went bizzerk, flipping all over the place when he when past certain point of the screen. He was running upside-down, backwards. I don't know where I should start, so I removed the code.
Dinosaur Film Update 1
I have done a lot of work for my next film. I have finished the script for my dinosaur film, have found the actors, have done 10% of the filming and have started the 3d animation. I will be uploading some screenshots of the 3d models and the 3d models composited later today.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Game Update.
I've spent the last few days fixing some of the glitches the game had; like being able to fill the health/hunger/thirst bar above 100% and a glitch where the boy can fill the health/hunger/thirst bars up without going to the mother.
I will now work on the timer (until rescue), the home button and a function to finish the game when the health bars run out.
I will now work on the timer (until rescue), the home button and a function to finish the game when the health bars run out.
New Film Scripts, Hopefully finished by June/July
I've started to write 2 new scripts, one about zombies but the film's is going to be based on the burka conflict in Australia. Also I'm writing a dinosaur script where I hope to use 3-d models of dinosaurs CGI!
Its going to look awesome, heres a screenshot of the dinosaur script.
Its going to look awesome, heres a screenshot of the dinosaur script.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Understanding and Using Trace Statements
Understanding and Using Trace Statements
Now I finally understand trace statements, they can come in a little bit handy. But it did help me figure out a couple of important problems in my game.
Now I finally understand trace statements, they can come in a little bit handy. But it did help me figure out a couple of important problems in my game.
Game Coding Progress
I've made a lot of progress over the last 3 days, the hard work is starting to pay off.
I've made an inventory that is functional and the hunger, thirst and health bars are now all draining and regaining when you take food, water or medicine to the mother. You can hold three things in your inventory. The game is starting to come together.
I've made an inventory that is functional and the hunger, thirst and health bars are now all draining and regaining when you take food, water or medicine to the mother. You can hold three things in your inventory. The game is starting to come together.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Game Update
For the african game, I have done allot of coding
The boy can now move in all directions, flip, and stop the animation walk when the arrow keys are released.
The can now also pick apples off the apple tree and collect water.
Still trying to figure out the hit test with the walls, thats not looking good.
I have also just made an apple (hunger) health bar using a mask, so it can be manipulated with code.
I've been spending hours on the game per day to try and get it finished for an competition called "Games for Change"
Fingers crossed I can get it properly functioning by the 23rd of THIS MONTH!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Another Graphic Update
Mother = UPDATED
Hospital = UPDATED
Background = UPDATED
ignore the black lines around yellow dirt path.
Hospital = UPDATED
Background = UPDATED
ignore the black lines around yellow dirt path.
Start Of Coding For Game
Where I am up to now:
The boy moves in all directions and it flips in four directions when you use the arrow keys, the boy is also animated while walking and animated to pick up water and pick apples. I'm struggling to get the hitTests on the walls to work (stopping the boy from leaving the path) and I am also having a problem stopping the walking animation when the arrows are released. I've tried to remove the boy_mc child and replace it with stoppedBoy_mc, but I cannot get it to work at the moment.
Problems I had:
- Flipping of the boy was the biggest problem, I started by putting them into their own functions but that didn't work. To get it to work, they had to each have their own function in the gameLoop.
In terms of graphics, I added more detail to the boy and redrew the mother. Next I have to add the health bars I made in photoshop. Should be done by Monday.
Here is the code:
// Add child variables
var boy_mc:FrontBoy = new FrontBoy();
var sideBoy_mc:SideBoy = new SideBoy();
var backBoy_mc:BackBoy = new BackBoy();
var stopboy_mc:StoppedBoy = new StoppedBoy();
var stopSideBoy_mc:StoppedSideBoy = new StoppedSideBoy();
var stopBackBoy_mc:StoppedBackBoy = new StoppedBackBoy();
sideBoy_mc.x = 100;
sideBoy_mc.y = 950;
//var isStoppedSideBoyPresent:Boolean = false;
// Variable for Boy's position
var boyXPos:Number = boy_mc.x;
var boyYPos:Number = boy_mc.y;
// Speed Constant
const BOY_SPEED:Number = 4;
// Which way is the boy facing variables
var isBoyLeft:Boolean = false;
var isBoyBack:Boolean = false;
var isBoyDown:Boolean = false;
var isBoyRight:Boolean = true;
// Movement Button Pressed Booleans (isRightPressed)
var isRightPressed:Boolean = false;
var isLeftPressed:Boolean = false;
var isUpPressed:Boolean = false;
var isDownPressed:Boolean = false;
// GameLoop & KeyboardEvent EventListeners
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyPressed)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyReleased)
// The GameLoop
function gameLoop(event:Event):void
function boyHitWall():void
var boyOriginalXPos:Number = boy_mc.x;
var boyOriginalYPos:Number = boy_mc.y;
var backOriginalXPos:Number = backBoy_mc.x;
var backOriginalYPos:Number = backBoy_mc.y;
var sideOriginalXPos:Number = sideBoy_mc.x;
var sideOriginalYPos:Number = sideBoy_mc.y;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(boy_mc.x, boy_mc.y, true))
boy_mc.x = boyOriginalXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyOriginalYPos;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(backBoy_mc.x, backBoy_mc.y, true))
backBoy_mc.x = backOriginalXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = backOriginalYPos;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(sideBoy_mc.x, sideBoy_mc.y, true))
sideBoy_mc.x = sideOriginalXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = sideOriginalYPos;
//Moving boy Up
function moveBoyUp():void
if(isBoyRight == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyLeft = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyDown == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isUpPressed == true)
backBoy_mc.y -= BOY_SPEED;
//backBoy_mc.scaleX -= .01;
//backBoy_mc.scaleY -= .01;
// Moving boy Down
function moveBoyDown():void
if(isBoyRight == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boy_mc.scaleX = .9;
boy_mc.scaleY = .9;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyLeft = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyDown == true && isDownPressed == true)
boy_mc.y += BOY_SPEED;
//boy_mc.scaleX += .01;
//boy_mc.scaleY += .01;
// Moving boy Right
function moveBoyRight():void
if(isBoyDown == true && isRightPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isRightPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
isBoyLeft = false;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isRightPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyRight == true && isRightPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.x += BOY_SPEED;
// If Right Key is Released, remove sideBoy and add stoppedsideChild
if(isBoyRight == true && isRightPressed == false && isStoppedSideBoyPresent == false)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
stopSideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
stopSideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isStoppedSideBoyPresent == true;
// If Right Key is Pressed again, remove stopped child and add sideChild
if(isStoppedSideBoyPresent == true && isRightPressed == true && isBoyRight == true)
boyXPos = stopSideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = stopSideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isStoppedSideBoyPresent == false;
// Moving boy Left
function moveBoyLeft():void
if(isBoyDown == true && isLeftPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyRight == true && isLeftPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
isBoyRight = false;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isLeftPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isLeftPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.x -= BOY_SPEED;
/*function stopMovingBoyUp():void
if(isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.y -= 0;
Function that flips boy, adds child 'boy' facing a different direction, changes the
global variable 'boyXPos' and 'boyYPos'
/*function flipBoy():void
// If right is pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isRightPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyDown == true && isRightPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = true;
isBoyDown = false;
// If Left is Pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isLeftPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.scaleY = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyDown == true && isLeftPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.scaleY = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
isBoyDown = false;
// If Down is Pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isDownPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyLeft == true && isDownPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyLeft = false;
if (isBoyRight == true && isDownPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyRight = false;
// If up is pressed
if (isBoyDown == true && isUpPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyDown = false;
if (isBoyLeft == true && isUpPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyLeft = false;
if (isBoyRight == true && isUpPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyRight = false;
// Movement of Boy from gameLoop, using the isRightPressed variables
/*function moveBoy():void
if (isRightPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
sideBoy_mc.x += BOY_SPEED;
if (isLeftPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.x -= BOY_SPEED;
if (isUpPressed == true)
backBoy_mc.y -= BOY_SPEED;
if (isDownPressed == true)
boy_mc.y += BOY_SPEED;
boy_mc.scaleX += .02;
boy_mc.scaleY += .02;
OnKeyPressed Function: Tests if the KeyPressed variables are true and
isBoy(Left,Right,Up,Down) variables
function onKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
isRightPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
isLeftPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
isUpPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
isDownPressed = true;
//OnKeyReleased Function: Tests if the KeyPressed variables are false
function onKeyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
isRightPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
isLeftPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
isUpPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
isDownPressed = false;
The boy moves in all directions and it flips in four directions when you use the arrow keys, the boy is also animated while walking and animated to pick up water and pick apples. I'm struggling to get the hitTests on the walls to work (stopping the boy from leaving the path) and I am also having a problem stopping the walking animation when the arrows are released. I've tried to remove the boy_mc child and replace it with stoppedBoy_mc, but I cannot get it to work at the moment.
Problems I had:
- Flipping of the boy was the biggest problem, I started by putting them into their own functions but that didn't work. To get it to work, they had to each have their own function in the gameLoop.
In terms of graphics, I added more detail to the boy and redrew the mother. Next I have to add the health bars I made in photoshop. Should be done by Monday.
Here is the code:
// Add child variables
var boy_mc:FrontBoy = new FrontBoy();
var sideBoy_mc:SideBoy = new SideBoy();
var backBoy_mc:BackBoy = new BackBoy();
var stopboy_mc:StoppedBoy = new StoppedBoy();
var stopSideBoy_mc:StoppedSideBoy = new StoppedSideBoy();
var stopBackBoy_mc:StoppedBackBoy = new StoppedBackBoy();
sideBoy_mc.x = 100;
sideBoy_mc.y = 950;
//var isStoppedSideBoyPresent:Boolean = false;
// Variable for Boy's position
var boyXPos:Number = boy_mc.x;
var boyYPos:Number = boy_mc.y;
// Speed Constant
const BOY_SPEED:Number = 4;
// Which way is the boy facing variables
var isBoyLeft:Boolean = false;
var isBoyBack:Boolean = false;
var isBoyDown:Boolean = false;
var isBoyRight:Boolean = true;
// Movement Button Pressed Booleans (isRightPressed)
var isRightPressed:Boolean = false;
var isLeftPressed:Boolean = false;
var isUpPressed:Boolean = false;
var isDownPressed:Boolean = false;
// GameLoop & KeyboardEvent EventListeners
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyPressed)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyReleased)
// The GameLoop
function gameLoop(event:Event):void
function boyHitWall():void
var boyOriginalXPos:Number = boy_mc.x;
var boyOriginalYPos:Number = boy_mc.y;
var backOriginalXPos:Number = backBoy_mc.x;
var backOriginalYPos:Number = backBoy_mc.y;
var sideOriginalXPos:Number = sideBoy_mc.x;
var sideOriginalYPos:Number = sideBoy_mc.y;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(boy_mc.x, boy_mc.y, true))
boy_mc.x = boyOriginalXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyOriginalYPos;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(backBoy_mc.x, backBoy_mc.y, true))
backBoy_mc.x = backOriginalXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = backOriginalYPos;
if(pathOutline_mc.hitTestPoint(sideBoy_mc.x, sideBoy_mc.y, true))
sideBoy_mc.x = sideOriginalXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = sideOriginalYPos;
//Moving boy Up
function moveBoyUp():void
if(isBoyRight == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyLeft = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyDown == true && isUpPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyBack = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isUpPressed == true)
backBoy_mc.y -= BOY_SPEED;
//backBoy_mc.scaleX -= .01;
//backBoy_mc.scaleY -= .01;
// Moving boy Down
function moveBoyDown():void
if(isBoyRight == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boy_mc.scaleX = .9;
boy_mc.scaleY = .9;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyLeft = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isDownPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isBoyDown = true;
if(isBoyDown == true && isDownPressed == true)
boy_mc.y += BOY_SPEED;
//boy_mc.scaleX += .01;
//boy_mc.scaleY += .01;
// Moving boy Right
function moveBoyRight():void
if(isBoyDown == true && isRightPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isRightPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
isBoyLeft = false;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isRightPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
isBoyRight = true;
if(isBoyRight == true && isRightPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.x += BOY_SPEED;
// If Right Key is Released, remove sideBoy and add stoppedsideChild
if(isBoyRight == true && isRightPressed == false && isStoppedSideBoyPresent == false)
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
stopSideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
stopSideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isStoppedSideBoyPresent == true;
// If Right Key is Pressed again, remove stopped child and add sideChild
if(isStoppedSideBoyPresent == true && isRightPressed == true && isBoyRight == true)
boyXPos = stopSideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = stopSideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
isStoppedSideBoyPresent == false;
// Moving boy Left
function moveBoyLeft():void
if(isBoyDown == true && isLeftPressed == true)
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyRight == true && isLeftPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
isBoyRight = false;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyBack == true && isLeftPressed == true)
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = false;
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
if(isBoyLeft == true && isLeftPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.x -= BOY_SPEED;
/*function stopMovingBoyUp():void
if(isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.y -= 0;
Function that flips boy, adds child 'boy' facing a different direction, changes the
global variable 'boyXPos' and 'boyYPos'
/*function flipBoy():void
// If right is pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isRightPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyDown == true && isRightPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyRight = true;
isBoyDown = false;
// If Left is Pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isLeftPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.scaleY = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyDown == true && isLeftPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.scaleY = -1;
isBoyLeft = true;
isBoyDown = false;
// If Down is Pressed
if (isBoyBack == true && isDownPressed == true && isUpPressed == false)
backBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
backBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyBack = false;
if (isBoyLeft == true && isDownPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = boy_mc.x;
boyYPos = boy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyLeft = false;
if (isBoyRight == true && isDownPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = sideBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = sideBoy_mc.y;
isBoyDown = true;
isBoyRight = false;
// If up is pressed
if (isBoyDown == true && isUpPressed == true && isDownPressed == false)
boy_mc.x = boyXPos;
boy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyDown = false;
if (isBoyLeft == true && isUpPressed == true && isLeftPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyLeft = false;
if (isBoyRight == true && isUpPressed == true && isRightPressed == false)
sideBoy_mc.x = boyXPos;
sideBoy_mc.y = boyYPos;
boyXPos = backBoy_mc.x;
boyYPos = backBoy_mc.y;
isBoyBack = true;
isBoyRight = false;
// Movement of Boy from gameLoop, using the isRightPressed variables
/*function moveBoy():void
if (isRightPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = 1;
sideBoy_mc.x += BOY_SPEED;
if (isLeftPressed == true)
sideBoy_mc.scaleX = -1;
sideBoy_mc.x -= BOY_SPEED;
if (isUpPressed == true)
backBoy_mc.y -= BOY_SPEED;
if (isDownPressed == true)
boy_mc.y += BOY_SPEED;
boy_mc.scaleX += .02;
boy_mc.scaleY += .02;
OnKeyPressed Function: Tests if the KeyPressed variables are true and
isBoy(Left,Right,Up,Down) variables
function onKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
isRightPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
isLeftPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
isUpPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
isDownPressed = true;
//OnKeyReleased Function: Tests if the KeyPressed variables are false
function onKeyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent):void
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
isRightPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
isLeftPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
isUpPressed = false;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
isDownPressed = false;
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Development of African Game Backdrop
1st Try
2nd Try
3rd Try :)
As you can see, I decided (for the second draft) that I would make this level look more three dimensional, so it would look a bit more attractive and realistic. I also added some better texture.
I was still not happy with the outcome so I drew a third level backdrop giving more detail to the mountains and getting help from people who have more knowledge when it comes to proportion and shading of objects. Hence the more realistic looking stream and mountains. I also got the idea of the running water off a tutorial on the web that Mr Hall linked me to. If I add the trees, rocks and bushes I have drawn, hopefully this level will look amazing when complete.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
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