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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zombie Animation Script


                   A Zombie Film

               Blaize Warden

JUNE 2010
PH: (03) 9400 3221

1.   EXT. BEDROOM. NIGHT                                   1

There is a banging on the window of the bedroom. BLAIZE opens his eyes and walks over to the window. He pulls back the curtains and there is a zombie.

BLAIZE (yelling)
                    Oh my god!

He quickly scampers over his bed nearly tripping. He then pushes through the door and out of the bedroom within a matter of seconds.

2.   INT. LIVING ROOM. NIGHT                              2

BLAIZE blots through his living room, grabs his wallet and phone and runs out the door past a TV with static.

3. INT. HALLWAY. NIGHT                                    3
BLAIZE runs down and around a flight of stairs very quickly and then slams out the big exit door at the bottom.

4. EXT. CARPARK. NIGHT                                    4

Breathing heavily BLAIZE runs over to a sports car, fiddles with his keys nervously but finally unlocks the car. He jumps into the car and shuts the door just before a zombie reaches him. The zombie smashes on the window, but BLAIZE starts the car and drives away before the zombie can do any real damage.

5. EXT. ROAD. NIGHT                                       5

BLAIZE speeds down the highway hitting several zombies purposely on the way through. Spending blood and zombie gluts flying everywhere on the road and pavement.

               Yeah! Bastards!

He continues driving at high speed.

6. INT. CAR. NIGHT                                   6

BLAIZE turns on the radio and shuffles through fuzzy channels until he hears a voice.
*static* safe house *static* town    
*static* centre

BLAIZE hears this and decides to go to the town centre to try and find other people to help him survive.

7. EXT. TOWN CENTRE. NIGHT                          7

BLAIZE gets out of his car, walks up to the safe house and looks through the window carefully, checking for zombies thoroughly. He realises that the room is empty, so BLAIZE slowly opens the door and walks inside with caution.

8. INT. TOWN CENTRE. NIGHT                           8

BLAIZE steps inside but within seconds the room is being flooded with zombies. They are coming from under tables, through windows and out of holes in the roof.
BLAIZE jumps in shock, he then reaches into his pocket were he pulls out a knife to protect himself. He looks up and prepares to fight.
He viciously slices through hundreds of zombies with ninja like acrobatics and speed.
BLAIZE now stands on hundreds of zombies which he has just killed. His cloths are torn and covered with infected blood. He walks back outside the town centre.

9. EXT.TOWN CENTRE. NIGHT                             9

BLAIZE takes a few steps outside, when again he is bombarded with zombies. There is thousands coming from all directions. BLAIZE has nowhere to go. He steps backward and trips over a small rock, landing on his back. He then finds another knife lying next to him, he picks it up and roars with anger, ready to take out another hoard of zombies.


Picture Story Drawing Plan

Film Storyboards

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Picture Movie Description

A  man who is cruel to his pet dog. He is seen kicking and hitting the dog.
One afternoon the man and his dog go for a walk. The man trips while on the walk and falls onto a loose branch, which impales him through his abdomen. The man tries to reach his phone to call for help but it is to far away. He pleads for the dog to fetch him the phone, but the dog has a flashback of the man being cruel. The dog takes the phone away from his owner and leaves him there to die.

Picture Movie Description

A  man who is cruel to his pet dog. He is seen kicking and hitting the dog.
One afternoon the man and his dog go for a walk. The man trips while on the walk and falls onto a loose branch, which impales him through his abdomen. The man tries to reach his phone to call for help but it is to far away. He pleads for the dog to fetch him the phone, but the dog has a flashback of the man being cruel. The dog takes the phone away from his owner and leaves him there to die.

Photo Description

Photo One:
A fat man hitting his dog while sitting on the couch
The man is eating and the dog looks scared.
I will take the photo of the man and the dog separate, I will join them together in photoshop.

Photo Two:
Similar to the first picture. The man is at a fridge getting alcohol out and while doing this he is kicking his dog. I will also use photoshop to join these two pictures together.

Photo Three:
Man dragging dog outside for a walk by a leash. This photo will be taken at my back gate.

Photo Four:
An action shot of the man and the dog walking in the bush. The dog is looking unhappy and is lagging behind. As if he is being dragged.

Photo Five:
Shows the man's foot as he trips over a large rock.

Photo Six:
Man falling backwards.

Photo Seven:
Man on the ground with a branch through his abdomen. I'll be using the fake blood, Mr Hall's recipe.

Photo Eight:
The man is reaching for his phone so he can call an ambulance. We can see the dog's head in the foreground (blurred/out of focus).

Photo Nine:
Photo of dog's head and there will be a cloud in his head showing us a picture of the owner being mean to the dog.

Photo Ten:
The dog picking up the mobile phone from next to the man.

Photo Eleven:
The dog walks away from the man, leaving him to die.

Photo Twelve:
Man on the floor dead from loss of blood.

Zombie Film Link

Not happy with the finished product

Link to Zombie Animation

Zombie Movie Cover