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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dinosaur Film Update #3

Most of the filming for the dinosaur film is completed, I have also done some colour correction on the footages and some visual effects. I have also completed a title sequence (screenshot below)


Flash South Africa Game Complete

My game is now completed after I have spent a lot of time on touch ups and the game sound/music. It has now been entered into the ATOM awards.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dinosaur Film Update #2

After some bad shoot, I've decided to change my film to a dinosaur Mockumetry. I have wrote up a new script and it looks great. It still has the same good effects, but I'm using older and better actors. I have also created a actor/prop/location/equipment plan (which I have attached). Because I am so organised this time around (thanks to MrHall) I have already filmed one scene and I am lined up to shoot two scenes tomorrow.

Scenes Location Actors Props Dates of Filiming Equipment Needed
One CSC - Court Yard Jake None Sunday - 11:00 "Camera, Mic, Steady Cam, Tripod"
Two CSC - Court Yard Jake None Sunday - 11:00 "Camera, Mic, Steady Cam, Tripod"
Three CSC - Media Room Miss "Steel Sheet, Make-Up, Television" "Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Four Digital None None None None
Five CSC - Science Room Mr Dortenzio White Coat Thursday - 3:30 "Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Six CSC - Audotorium "Enzo, Mr Hall" Machette Sunday - 12:00 "Green Screen, Spin Chair, Camera, Mic, Tripod"
Seven Digital None None None None

Cant upload PDF or excel documents, sorry.
